凤凰网 > 时尚 > 2007中华小姐环球大赛 > 赛事追踪 > 正文
华姐出席中国杯欢迎晚宴 中英文双语发表美丽宣言
2007年10月22日 10:47 组委会 【



Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are the 12 finalist of the 2007 Miss Chinese Cosmos Pageant.

We want to thank China Cup International Regatta for giving us this opportunity to experience the magnificent sea and to be on aboard the catamaran.
Two of the contestants MaXin and ZengGuang were given the opportunity to be on aboard MeiLiFengHuangHao with Mr. WengYiXuan competing in today’s event; therefore regrettably, they are not able to be with us on stage tonight.

Before this event, most of us were not even familiar with the sea itself, not to mention the daily life on the sea.

We are very lucky to be contestants in the Miss Chinese Cosmos Pageant. Without this opportunity, we might not have had the chance to travel to GuiZhou to help the children with cleft palates, or to Shanghai to be involved with the Special Olympics, or here in ShenZhen to experience the beauty of the sea and the spirit of the China Cup.

正是因为有了这样的机会,我们才可有经历和经验去思考 ——“天使、爱、美丽”,今年中华小姐环球大赛主题的意义:原来帮助我们、给我们爱的人,就是我们美丽的天使。
Through this experience, we are able to learn what “Angel, Love, and Beauty” truly is – the slogan of the 2007 Miss Chinese Cosmos Pageant. 

From this opportunity, we learned what love is.  Love is actually very simple – all you need is bravely.

We also experienced this bravely from the two days at sea.

Bravely is different from recklessness.  It needs knowledge, time, and an enduring heart.

Only with this bravely, can we endure the wind, the currents, and the challenges that life on the sea may bring. 

Love and peace is hard to empower with words. But our hearts are filled with love because there are others who support us and nurture us with their own love.Peace is a great undertaking, but we can simply spread peace by first spreading love.

Thank you.

作者: 组委会   编辑: 张磊
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